Traditional Culture and Education in the 21st Century
Under the patronage of the ETSGA
4/10/2002 - 5/10/2002 - 6/10/2002
The Traditional Game Inheritance, transmission and diffusion,
History and Prospects
Introduction and Objectives
This event will be organised in the continuity of political policies led by the Breton Cultural Institute, since its creation in 1981 and of actions achieved by its Sport and Games Commission, in conjunction with the Breton Traditional Sports and Games Confederation (FALSAB), and the International Federation of Celtic wrestling (IFCW or FILC).
The Breton Cultural Institute, under the shield of the Regional Council of Brittany and with the help of the General Council of Loire-Atlantic is organised in 16 sections. It intends to sustain the cultural projects submitted to and agreed by it whether in the fields of heritage, music or protection of the environment. The B.C.I. will assist in the creation of such projects and encourage their dissemination by the printed word or audio-visual methods. Its meetings are organised to preserve the cultural wealth of the community.
They represent continuity in relation to symposiums and gatherings organised
since 1987 in different countries of Europe (Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Iceland,
Belgium, and Italy).
In France, we had:
- The colloquium of Carhaix in 1990 which sought ways in which to raise
the profile of traditional games in Western Europe. It encouraged the resolution
of the European Parliament to promote regional and traditional games, particularly
in primary schools. This symposium gave birth to the report edited by Jean-Jacques
Barreau and Guy Jaouen entitled: - Eclipse and Renaissance of Traditional
- The symposium of Plouguerneau in 1999, which proposed the question, "Which
traditional Games for the XXIst Century?" It resulted in the report
edited by the same authors: The traditional games of Europe - Education,
Culture and Society in the XXIst century.
- The gathering, "Palet 2000" (Quoits) in May, in Ploneour Lanvern,
with come and try events, exhibitions and contests involved representatives
from Scotland, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Brittany, etc.
- The gathering, in April 2001, at Lesneven, with skittles from Gascony,
Ireland, Flanders, Aragon, Catalonia, Cantabria, Picardy, The South west
of France, etc.
This wealth of organisational experience will be invested in the meeting
of 2002. It will aim to:
- Encourage exchanges between participants, of one region to another, of
one country to another,
- Transmit experiences around the games (educational projects, play areas,
cultural development
- Propose demonstrations and discussions on the site of events and in the
- Assure the maintenance of traditional games and assist in their promotion.
A new awareness of Traditional Games, which are usually locally or regionally rooted, has been created. This new interest has been aided by the actions of the Breton Cultural Institute, the Confederation of Falsab, the International Federation of Celtic Wrestling (FILC), and the International Institute of Corporal Anthropology. In 1990 and 1999 these bodies organised international meetings on the theme of traditional games, and have now combined their activities with those of a European body, which was founded in April 2001.
However, fun or playful practices, in comparison to sports, often have insufficient means to maintain their vitality and to assure their diffusion. Their conservation can only be achieved by their public visibility and by education.
The Traditional Game Inheritance, transmission and diffusion; history and
Meetings with the above title will be held in 2002 and will follow on from
those of 1990 and 1999. They will approach, in the first place, the educational
dimension in the wider sense, that is, in favour of youngsters and adults.
To proceed to familiarise children and adults by commencing participation
at school then to continue in adult life to experiment with the inheritance
of the past, and to reinvest in modernity. This basic experience of learning
and its functions concern more than the scholastic institution. Games can
be passed on from generation to generation, in schools, associations, play
areas, museums and public places. Local festivals and such events also encourage
this development.
The second part of our discussions will focus on the sense that people today give to their fun or playful games. The educational dimension of a game cannot be promoted today if values and symbolic functions are not included. Games are also inherited living arts, which enhance collective well-being. The knowledge of traditional games is, from this point of view a rich resource for the present and for the future.
Traditional games of skill or athletics encourage exchanges between districts, townships, and regions and maintain a sense of cultural identity by giving roots and reference marks. Such games, in spite of their extreme diversity, (one could evoke multiple variants for example in the practice of skittles, on the road or a prepared rink), or in bowls, e.g. Vendéenne, Bretonne, Nantaise, Fort, Parisienne, Flanders etc, produce bodily expertise and a terminology that is a shared culture. We need to preserve through training such assets of technical and human qualities. The preservation of identities is not backward looking but on the contrary is an understanding and acceptance of different ways of developing social links and access to modernity.
At the forthcoming meetings our aims are to discuss formal and informal methods of learning and to consider their perspectives of development. One will be able to compare what has been done in the past and what is done today. To consider what is done here and abroad, to consider activities in schools, and districts and to set up modules for future teachers and organisers. To create educational tools, academic research projects, games equipment and promotional tools.
The objective is to create a cultural movement in favour of traditional games in schools, associations, life museums and universities. It is also to encourage exchanges of practices and programmes of promotion, at national and international levels and to increase coordination between teachers, researchers, educators, committee members and players.
Town: Nantes (Former capital of Brittany)
Nantes has been chosen for cultural reasons, its dynamism, experience of
event organisation and logistical infrastructures.
These include the "Manufacture de tabac", situated at 10, Boulevard
Stalingrad, close to the SNCF station. This is a municipal hall, which has
adequate rooms for associations, meetings and cultural events.
Scientific committee: Joël Guibert
Joël Guibert, University of Nantes,
Guy Jumel, University of Rennes 1,
Guy Jaouen, President of Section Games and Sport of the Breton Cultural
Jean-Jacques Barreau, University of Rennes 2,
Christophe Lamoureux, University of Nantes,
Jacques Le Garlantezec, CEMEA,
Organising Committee: Guy Jaouen
Breton Cultural Institute (Sports and Games Section)
Falsab Confederation
IIAC (International Institute of Corporal Anthropology)
Federation La Jaupitre
Association of the "Amicales Boulistes Nantaises"
Federation of the Puck on Board
CEMEA Brittany
USEP Finistère
Regional association of the play areas
Association "En jouez-vous?"
1 - lecturers
- Pierre Parlebas, (Prof., Paris Sorbonne - Céméa),
- Rolland Renson, (Prof., The University of Louvain - Belgium - Flemish
association of traditional game renting),
- Henning Eichberg, (Prof., Institute of Gerlev - Denmark - Gerlev institute
of the games),
- Pere Lavega, (Prof., the INEF of Lleida - Catalonia - University of Lleida.
Advisor of Culture Departament of Catalonio Goverment in Traditional games),
- Sean Egan (Prof.,The University of Ottawa - Canada),
- Gian Franco Staccioli ( Cemea, Florence)
2 - theme of workshops: transmission and diffusion
Associative level School level
To learn the game: to transmit Friday p.m.
Saturday p.m.
To learn by the game: to distribute Friday p.m.
Saturday p.m.
Workshop 1: Conception and manufacture; metamorphoses of the equipment;
games mutations. Presented by: Dominique Ferré (The Jaupitre), Guy
Jumel (Univ. Rennes)
Workshop 2: Traditional games used inside schools: Presented by: Jean Claude
Brélivet (Usep), Jacques Le Garlantézec (Céméa).
Workshop 3: Traditional games, social life, and creation of networks: Presented
by: Jean Jacques Barreau (IIAC), Joël Guibert (Univ. Nantes).
Workshop 4: Collecting, study and inventorisation of the games: Presented
by: Guy Jaouen (Falsab-AESJT), Christophe Lamoureux (Univ. Nantes).
Workshop 5: Educational steps of federations: Presented by: Christian Quéré
(Falsab), Michel Marzin (Committee of Quoiting ).
Workshop 6: Traditional games and physical training: Presented by: Jacques
Dufeu (Univ. Rennes), Eric Dugas (IUFM Brittany).
(Permanent exhibitions WILL BE on site; with videos projections on games
from various regions of Europe; discussions about the discovery of and introduction
to many games; various workshops; evening discussions)
3.1 Thursday afternoon.
14:00 Welcome
14:30 Opening
15:30 Videos
16:30 Exhibitions and discussions
18:30 Reception in the Town hall
20:00 buffet and demonstration (Amicale La Colinière)
3.2 Friday morning
09:00 2 Conference
11:00 Break
11:15 1 Conference
12:30 Meals
3.3 Friday afternoon
14:30 Workshops
16:30 Break
17:00 Synthesis
18:00 Discussions
20:00 Buffet and demonstration (Amicale La Convention)
3.4 Saturday morning
09:00 2 Conferences
11:00 Break
11:15 1 Conference
12:30 Meals
3.5 Saturday afternoon
14:30 Workshops centred on the educational sector
16:30 Break
17:00 Synthesis
17:30 End (general Conclusion and perspectives)
21:30 Fest Noz (Traditional Breton Music and Dancing)