The Championship of Catalunya(Spain) of Bowling Catalan
arrived at the fourth editing
next June from 1998, 14 i the agreement taken by all the boleros from Catalunya(Spain)
organizing-the of rotatory form - Barcelona, Tarragona i Lleida -, this editing will be
celebrated in Barcelona. (It is necessary to say that in Girona (Spain) there is
no competition).
In two first editings of the Championship of Catalunya(Spain) de Catalan Bolos (Parc of
l'Escorxador of Barcelona (Spain) the year 1995 i Sant Carles of the Ràpita
(Tarragona(Spain)) year 1996) played clubs Territorial champions of the League of
Tarragona, Lleida i Barcelona (three equips altogether). And in two editings champion
proclaimed itself the equipment of Benavent de Segrià (Lleida)(Spain).
In the third editing disputed in Vilanova de la Barca (Lleida(Spain) better year
1997 they both played clubs of each Territorial one, increasing asi up to six the number
equipment finalists. In that occasion to be I proclaim the d'Albesa equipment
(Lleida)(Spain) the winner of the Championship
This year we arrived at the fourth editing of the Championship of Catalunya(Spain) the
Catalan Bolos. This IV editing has to serve to also consolidate the practice of Catalan
Skittles and his more important manifestation: The Championship of
Catalunya(Spain).Necessary that they see with normality the practice of this minority
sport ,coverall in the regions of Barcelona (Spain). I for that reason is necessary to
support from institutions i patrocinadores. The Catalan Skittles are not so single a
sport, that so part of the Popular Culture of the Catalans.
The Clubs of Barcelona, after to heft different options, we have decided that the seat of the Championship is in the District d'Horta-Guinardo of Barcelona (Spain). It is in this District from where it has been work more to popularize the Catalan Skittles in them regions of Barcelona.
Proxima editing will dispute the 14 of June of 1998 in Barcelona, in the Municipal Field of Futbol de Horta - Atlètica Horta United -, in the Street Feliu i Codina 35-37 of the District of Horta-Guinardo' of Barcelona. They both participated better clubs of the three League Territorial (Tarragona, Lleida i Barcelona). Then, six zinc equipment players plus a reserve who disputed the honor to proclaim Champions of Catalunya(Spain) de Catalan Bolos.
The facilities of Unio' Atlètica d'Horta are in the middle of the zone of the four influence of clubs that actualment has in the City of Barcelona. These facilities are adapted perfectly to which we create has to be the organitzacio'n of the Championship. The assistente public has an affluent zone defined to move without also bothering the action of players i a good vision of the game. Of another part there is sufficient extension to mark the six tracks of game i to locate the annotation table.
The six participant equipment, after of the previous acts, disputed two games where equipment is classificate both finalists, being the four classified rest, segun his classification, in 3, 4, 5 i 6 place.
From the 12 of mediodia both better equipment they disputed to the end to a game, being Champion of Catalunya the equipment that more points consigua.
After the end a lunch will become of hermanamiento in the Restaurant House of the Navarrese. Concluded the lunch memories were given to different trophies i from the participants. With the parliaments of the authorities de Catalan Bolos will occur by concluded the fourth editing of the Championship of Catalunya(Spain), passing the relief to the Territorial one of Tarragona(Spain) that will begin to prepare the editing of the 1999.
We want to remarcar the effort of the Clubs de Bolos of Barcelona, very small todavia, as well as of the Catalan Federation of Bitlles to throw ahead with exito this important event.
Let us think that this act of the Catalan Skittles e's very important to develop to a section of our lost culture east century in Barcelona. The Clubs of Barcelona we are people with much hard that we want to recover part of our Catalan Popular Culture convertiendo it in a sport modern i organizing the Championship of Catalunya(Espa6na) can be a unique occasion to obtain it.
Day: 14 of June of 1.998
Hour: From 9h. in the morning
Place: Municipal field of Futbol de Horta (d'Horta United Atlètica)
C / Feliu i Codina 35-37, 08031-Barcelona
9.00h Encuentro of participants i training
9.30h Presentation of licenses
9.45h Welcome i opening of the championship
9.55h Sorteo of game tracks
10.00h First game
11.00h Second game
12.00h Final
14.00h Lunch of hermanamiento (House of the Navarrese)
16.30h Entrega of trophies i memories (to confirm)
17.00h Closing